Make Your Skin Radiant This Christmas...
Christmas has officially arrived and a glowing complexion is something we all want this holiday season. With the right advice and products, you can get your sparkle back in time for the round of parties you are sure to be attending this December.
The key to getting sparkly skin that radiates health is ultimately to focus on maintaining a smooth and firm surface texture. The more perfected the skin is, the more it reflects the light which is what creates that natural sparkle associated with a glowing complexion. The skin naturally loses this radiance during the Winter as the number of dead cells increases due to cell turnover slowing down in an attempt to create a type of shield that protects the skin from the cold, dry weather we are experiencing. As more of these dead cells build up, the barrier they create dulls the complexion, so to get your glow back you need to remove these cells so new ones can take their place.
The easiest way to remove dead skin cells is to use an exfoliating product regularly, about once a week depending on the condition of your skin. Exfoliating also encourages cell renewal which ensures the skin can maintain this process more efficiently. For a luxurious exfoliator that is perfect for getting your skin ready for Christmas, look no further than the Diamondtome® Microdermabrasion. A medical grade machine that creates amazing results with no downtime! Instead of using harsh, abrasive grains it uses diamond tips which effectively remove dead skin cells to leave you with healthy, glowing skin. And better yet, the hydra-wand infuses serums, such as Vit. C, hydration serums, or skin lightening ingredients to give you the best holiday skin at the party!
Happy Holidays my friends...